Restorative Dentistry |2 min read

Do You Suspect TMJ Disorder? Take This Quick Test.

Not sure if you suffer from TMJ disorder? Take this quick test:

  • Do you experience migraine headaches?
  • Do you have constant pain in your neck, jaw and/or shoulders?
  • Are you grinding your teeth at night when you sleep?
  • Are you irritated by a ringing in your ears?
  • Are you puzzled by a strange tingling in your fingertips?
  • When you open and close your mouth do your jaw joints make a clicking sound?

If you are experiencing  even 1 or a combination of any of these symptoms, then the cause of your pain and discomfort just might be TMJ disorder.

How Will I Know For Sure That It’s TMJ?

Our neuromuscular dentistry expert, Dr. Rule has been specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder is caused by a misalignment of the jaw. This misalignment affects the working of the jaw and the alignment of the teeth which puts pressure on the bones and muscles, resulting in very uncomfortable or even painful symptoms.

Highly sophisticated jaw tracking technology is used to accurately measure the movement of the jaw and helps to determine a patient’s exact bite position. Once this is determined a treatment course can be planned to adjust the jaw alignment to its proper and most comfortable position. This doesn’t just ease your symptoms, it fixes the source of the problem!

A big thank you from all the work you’ve done with me so far! The aches and pains that I thought  were just something I had to work with – are gone!” – Lisa, Actual Patient



Joyce is a 23 year old administrative assistant who experienced severe teeth grinding, resulting in loss of sleep and debilitating headaches. After diagnosis, Dr. Rule fitted Joyce with an orthotic appliance to correct her bite. Almost immediatey, the discomfort in her jaw ceased. She started sleeping through the night and she hasn’t had a migraine since.


Your story could be next! If you suspect TMJ disorder then please don’t hesitate, call our  Gurnee office at (847)662-7717 or contact us and we will get you started on the road to a pain free life.

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