News & Events |1 min read

August was National Picnic Month!

A family enjoying a picnic lunch at a parkThe summer is winding up, but your outdoor adventures continue! As your dentist for Grayslake, Dr. Rule and our team want to remind you that while August was National Picnic Month, September is still a great time to hit the park or beach with your family and loved ones for an outdoor meal. Fill up that picnic basket with healthy summer eats that will keep your smile in gleaming condition. Here are some ideas:

Green Tea: We’ve long known the health benefits of green tea, but did you know that it also does wonders for your smile? Green tea contains polyphenols and antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Cheese: Cheese can actually help keep your teeth clean by aiding saliva production and killing bacteria in the mouth. It also contains calcium, and helps preserve and rebuild tooth enamel.

Fruits: Apples, strawberries and citrus fruits pack a huge vitamin C punch. You may know that vitamin C is great for keeping your body healthy and fighting colds and illness, but it also keeps your gums healthy, and has been known to fight off periodontal disease.

Vegetables: Choose foods high in vitamin A, which is necessary for the formation of tooth enamel. Crunchy veggies, like celery, aid in salivary production, washing away cavity-causing bacteria.

Animal Foods: Beef, turkey, chicken and eggs, for example, offer a boost in calcium and vitamin D. These elements make up our bone system, and keep teeth strong and healthy.

At Rule Dentistry, we hope you’re enjoying your summer so far! Enjoy a picnic this fall with those who are near and dear to you. If you are currently looking for a dentist in the Grayslake area, we warmly welcome you to contact our office today.

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